Stringent Quality Assurance Protocols
Himag Planar offers the highest possible quality control and testing standards. Every component leaving our production line is passed through rigorous functional and flash testing, we can also accommodate customer specific test procedures when required. All products are manufactured in conjunction with the latest ISO9001 standard and hold UL to ensure our quality control is never compromised.
Real Condition Test System:
Voltage Waveforms: The system generates rectangular voltage waveforms with a controlled duty cycle. It can operate within a frequency range of 10-450kHz. Both input and output voltages can reach up to 1kV, with a maximum output current of 500A.
Total Power: The system has a total power capacity of 11kW.
Thermal Control: In addition to its main functionalities, the system features an extra liquid-cooled heatsink. This heatsink is equipped with thermal control capabilities, allowing it to reach temperatures of up to 75°C. This feature is utilized to simulate the maximum heatsink temperature experienced by customers.
High Frequency Test System:
Purpose: This system is designed for testing high-frequency components. It facilitates testing of parts with both open and shorted secondary configurations, allowing for separate assessment of copper and core losses, particularly for designs exceeding 1kW.
Equipment: The system utilizes a signal generator and a power amplifier sourced from E&I (Electronics & Innovation Ltd). You can find more information about their products at E&I’s website.
3D Simulation for Detecting Design Issues:
Software Utilization: Over many years, we’ve employed Ansys software for 3D Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations. This approach has significantly enhanced our design optimization processes.
Example Flux Distribution: We have modelled the flux distribution on a combined core designed for a transformer, leakage inductor, and two output filters. This unique design incorporates a custom-made core aimed at minimizing size and maximizing space and efficiency utilization, specifically tailored for automotive applications.
Flux Visualization: The flux distribution is simulated in time steps, it can be depicted as a dynamic visual representation to illustrate its distribution over one complete flux cycle.
If you need further clarification or additional information, feel free to ask!
Streamlined Manufacturing for Superior Quality
The design of planar transformers provides for fewer stages in the manufacturing process, which naturally results in increased accuracy and fewer problems on the production line, hence increased quality is naturally inherent in planar design. This simplification of the manufacturing process also allows for high repeatability whilst maintaining the robust quality of our products.
Partial Discharge (PD) Testing:
Importance: Transformers operating with voltages exceeding 1kV place significant stress on insulation. This stress can lead to partial discharges occurring around or through the insulation layers.
Detection Challenge: Traditional hi-pot (high potential) devices are unable to detect these small PD occurrences. However, at high frequencies, such as 100kHz, PD can have a substantial impact, accelerating the deterioration of insulation layers. This deterioration can result in the failure of apparently good samples over time, ranging from as little as one hour to as long as one month of operation.
Testing Solution: At Himag, we utilize dedicated PD testers, such as those provided by MPS Germany (, to accurately detect PD values in our designs. This testing ensures that our designs remain PD-free even under conditions up to 10% above the continuous operating voltage.
Safety and Reliability: By conducting PD testing, we can confidently affirm the safety and long-term reliability of our designs, assuring customers that our transformers will operate effectively for many years without succumbing to insulation failures.
Frequency Response Analyzer:
Tool Utilization: We employ Ray Ridley’s frequency response analyser to characterize our magnetics effectively. The analyser enables us to analyse the behaviour of our components up to 30MHz. You can find more information about this analyser at Ridley Engineering’s website.
Engineering Benefit: This tool provides engineers with valuable insights into the performance of our parts within their systems. By generating required Bode plots, engineers can gain a clear understanding of how our components operate across different frequencies.